01 February 2007

A Day of Rest

With just over six weeks to go until the baby's due date, I've started to swell. I mean swell. It's been a good week since I've seen my ankles bones. Yesterday I had a bit of a blood pressure issue, so after working until 10 o'clock last night (which did not help with the swelling), I took a sick day today.

And I slept. I crawled back into bed at 9:30 and slept for hours. It's been years since I've been able to do that. And when I woke up and had a second breakfast, some of the swelling had gone down -- hurray.

Sunday is our 8th annual Super Bowl party -- the crowd is going to be smaller this year. The weather is supposed to be brutal, as in, don't go out if you absolutely don't have to! To all our friends who can't make it this year -- you will definitely be missed!

Just read: America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money. Good suggestions for getting rid of debt and living within your means, but I have to say that this family of seven is pretty geeky. I've got a pile of financial and organizing-type books from the library to get through.

One more day of work to get through and then it's party prep for the weekend!

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