26 February 2006

Upside Down

Hammer Guy and I took Toad to see Curious George this weekend. Toad's cousin JT was able to sneak away from work and join us. Toad was so good. He sat in the big seat by himself for a while but most of the time sat on my lap. He had a treat (M&M's of course) and then after the movie we went to Best Buy and picked up the soundtrack. I've never been a big Jack Johnson fan but I have to say that I really like this album.

We visited my mom and dad this afternoon. We've had a great weekend of family time together. Weekends like this are pretty rare and we're very grateful for this one.

Looking ahead to this week: The Olympics are over so that should free up some after-dinner time. Lady and the Tramp is being released from the Vault! Pride and Prejudice and Walk the Line are two other new releases that just may find their way into our DVD library. I'm off again next weekend and am looking forward to a fiction workshop at the Loft on Saturday afternoon. Next Sunday night Hammer Guy and I have a date to see Hamlet at the Guthrie -- the last performance at Vineland Place.

Here's a cell-phone photo of Mama, Toad, and JT at the movie theater!

23 February 2006

Curious George Goes to the Library

Toad did not have school on Monday so we visited with Grandma and Grandpa B. He always has such a great time there and we are thankful that they live so close by.

Toad and I took Grandma to the library after lunch. He had a great time picking out books and helping me on the computer. He picked out four books, one of which was Curious George (his favorite is Curious George Goes to the Hospital). He hasn't stopped talking about the library since.

Lately, we've started telling each other "Once Upon a Time" stories. Here's his latest:

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mama. Mama went to the library, and Grandma went to the library, and me. And that's the end."

This weekend we are taking Toad to his very first Movie Theater Movie! We're going to see Curious George on Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed!

16 February 2006

Common Dialogue

A Wednesday morning, 7:30 a.m.
Toad: Mama, can I have some M&M's?
Mama: Daddy will pick you up from school today and if you can be a very good boy, you may have some M&M's after dinner.
Toad: Okay.
Mama: What would you like for breakfast?
Toad (doesn't miss a beat): Dinner.

At least he knows what he likes!

09 February 2006

The Graduate

Our little Toad graduated from Transitional Toddlers to Preschool at the end of January! He really is a big boy now! We made a cake to celebrate, one with lots of frosting!

One of his favorite books right now is Frog and Toad are Friends. He said to Hammer Guy, "You are Frog and I am Toad, because I like to sleep a lot!" Oh, how I wish it were true!

Toad is starting to get into hockey now. Last week while I was getting adjusted at the chiro, Dr. M let Toad play with her son's hockey sticks and little blue ball. Another of the doctors was playing with him, and Toad told him how to do it: "First you put the ball down and then you take the stick and you hock it." Seems logical to me!

This should be fun!

I've had such a good time reading the blogs of my dear friends that I thought I could carve out some time to try it myself! We'll see how it goes.... stay tuned.