30 March 2007

Introducing Our Little Birdy

A big yawn

She has finally arrived -- our Little Birdy made her appearance last Wednesday, March 21st, at 1:25 p.m. She weighed 8 lbs 6 oz and was 21 inches long. The delivery didn't go exactly as I had planned, but it was worlds better than Toad's, and I feel like a million bucks! Bird is a laid-back, calm baby who sleeps a lot and doesn't cry much.

We came home from the hospital a week ago today. The week has been one of adjusting. We had a family birthday party here on Saturday night as well as a visit from G & G A. for the weekend. Monday was Bird's first doctor appointment. She had lost a lot of weight, so she and I have been working hard on that. By our return visit on Wednesday she'd gained 4 ounces back. She can sometimes be very ravenous and sometimes very, very lazy, just like Toad was! No wonder he's such a putzy eater!

And speaking of Toad -- there's never been a prouder big brother. He loves his baby so much and is incredibly loving and gentle with her. For the most part, he's able to "wait his turn" (and can be quick to remind Bird that she needs to wait her turn as well!) and we've only had a couple of difficult, acting-out bedtimes. Today is his last full day of preschool. Next week he starts a more limited schedule -- only going three mornings a week -- and will spend the rest of the time at home with Bird and me.

Hammer Guy went back to work already on Wednesday and we definitely miss having him around. We're looking forward to the weekends when we can be together as a family. Hopefully the basement project will be done soon!

And so we are settling into a routine of sorts as we welcome our new little one into our family. We couldn't be happier.

20 March 2007

For Ms. Komal's Birthday

Toad and I worked on a very special gift for his teacher's birthday Monday. He chose to paint the box pink and then I found some sparkly stickers for him to place on the lid. With the exception of the two big flowers, he put all of them on himself with very little guidance. He's very proud of his work and Ms. Komal was thrilled with the handmade gift.

One of the other moms asked me, "When do you have time for that?" and I laughed. I've got plenty of time -- just waiting for this baby to make its appearance. Sigh.

19 March 2007

Baby Update

Oh, wait! There is no update!

It is now Monday, I am two days past my due date, and for the most part the house is clean. I've already made a trip to Target and the gas station today. Plans for the rest of the day: a load of laundry, make the bed, rest with Lemon, watch some TLC.

Toad, HG, and I had a fun weekend of family time even though I was terribly crabby and tired. We played lots of games and worked on a birthday present for Toad's teacher. We also watched Toad's current favorite movie each day, Home on the Range. Although I can't stand Roseanne Barr (the voice of Maggie), it's a cute movie.

Okay, then.

Here's a picture of a newborn Toad, since I don't have one of Baby #2 to post.

15 March 2007

Exciting News

No, we haven't had the baby, but we did receive some great news this week. Hammer Guy's sister, her husband, and their baby found a house to buy in Wisconsin! They will be moving from Detroit at the end of the month. It's very exciting -- they will be close to HG's parents and other sister, and we will get to see them much more often. It will be great for Toad (and #2) to be able to spend time with little cousin Frog.

The week is dragging on. I've been working every day. Today I worked just over two hours and called it quits. Even though there are plenty of chores to do around the house, I think I will just relax and watch a movie since Toad is at school.

Please send positive baby vibes my way!

05 March 2007

Snowed In

What a week! The previous weekends' storm was just a preview of things to come. On Thursday and Friday we had a huge snowstorm, enough to keep me off the roads for three days! Toad and I had so much fun at home together. Two of the major highlights: breaking out a new Candyland game and watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Toad is a natural at Candyland. He said he'd played it at school and did seem to catch on to the rules very quickly. He lives for drawing "a guy" -- even if it means going all the way back to Plumpy. On Friday he and I played six games -- he won the first five! The graphics on the game have changed since I was a kid, but the fun has not. When I was at work on Sunday, Toad taught Hammer Guy how to play -- HG does not remember playing Candyland as a kid. Next up -- Chutes and Ladders.

I had warned Toad that there was a scary part in Willy Wonka (the psychedelic boat ride) to which he shivered in joyful anticipation -- but he wasn't bothered by it at all. He loved the movie so much we watched it twice.

We had such a great four-day weekend, but I know that Toad was thrilled to be back at school today. I have a couple of days off now and there are still a few cleaning projects that need to be done. I'm at 38 weeks and 2 days and there's not a whole lot of room for this baby. Now that the time is getting very close, I'm a bit nervous about how it's all going to work out -- hopefully my labor will start at home.