17 August 2006

Rock Star: Supernova

My history with "Reality TV" is varied. It began with The Real World (and DQ Breezes) in my college days, although I guess you could say I was a fan of Star Search a million years ago (remember when Limited Warranty won?). I never really got into American Idol. The first season of the Apprentice sucked me in but after that lost its luster. I've never cared for Survivor or shows like The Osbournes or The Newlyweds.

But Rock Star: Supernova? Now there's a show that commands attention. I missed the entire season of Rock Star: INXS, mainly because of work obligations, but also because there's a part of me that still grieves for Michael Hutchence. But I'm impressed with the "new" INXS, so I've added the Rock Star: INXS DVD to my amazon wishlist.

Not familiar with Supernova? Tommy Lee on drums, Gilby Clarke (of GNR) on guitar and geeky Jason Newsted (Metallica) on bass. Last night they rocked out with an original Supernova song fronted by Dilana, who is definitely a contender. There are only seven rockers left, including my favorite, pictured here, Magni from Iceland. He's got a great voice.

Supernova -- every Tuesday and Wednesday night on CBS.

We spent last weekend in Wisconsin, first visiting family and then made the annual trip to the Water Park with dear friends. Sadly, not many of us made it this year, and it rained a bit, but the reunion was still a sweet one.


pdxkatie said...

Oh my gawd! I totally remember watching The Real World and getting DQ Breezes - always Banna Pudding for moi! Once I moved off campus, my cat would always assult Jacqueline to get hers too!

You brought back such a fun memory Sara!

Jbird said...

I didn't even remember 'Breezes' because now I always go for the 'Blizzard.' Those were great times. I always got chocolate with peanut butter cup. mmmmmmm. I must say I still enjoy my reality tv!