We celebrated baptism and the September birthdays at our house that afternoon.
The September Birthday Cake
Birdy's Sunday Best
The rest of the weekend was spent watching football, of course. Below are pictures of the progress made in the basement bathroom and photos from last week -- I was able to join Toad's class for a field trip to a local farm. They picked their own ears of corn and gourds, fed animals, and picnicked in the gorgeous fall sunshine. The best part, according to Toad? "Everything."
I worked all weekend and am off today. I took Grandma B to the orthopedic clinic to have her broken wrist checked. She fell on Friday and will have to have surgery tomorrow. What next? Hammer Guy is in Seattle for the entire week. I didn't even see him off yesterday as I was still at work. He comes back on Friday afternoon and then Birdy and I leave Saturday morning for our Girls Weekend Getaway.
Field Trip to the Fall Harvest Apple Orchard
Birdy's First Cereal